A year after Les frasques d’une femme ‘fidele’, ‘Cécile Vallonoux’ illustrate a second Aphrodisiaques title. ‘Dimitri Bolyev’ appears to be the pseudonym of an author who only ever produced two titles, both in the Aphrodisiaques series, L’ingénue lubrique (The Lustful Ingenue) and Clara bonne à tout faire (Clara the Experienced), and both typical boarding school fantasies.

In L’ingénue lubrique the setting is a school in a remote corner of the north of England in the 1960s, a school with a severe regime in the purest tradition. Is it the fault of Mary Wallace, just sixteen years old, if everyone is interested in her? She is after all the prettiest girl in the school …

After the illustrations for Femme ‘fidele’, Claveloux just about managed another set for L’ingénue lubrique, and in their own way they are well-imagined and offer some originality to an otherwise rather unoriginal text.