What Dada and Mama get up to

18th July 2024

Another new artist for you all today, one of the founders of the Dada movement, Marcel Janco. As well as being a quintessential modernist, he was clearly fond of naked bodies and what they get up to! You can see a great selection of his erotic work now by clicking here.

Less is more when naked …

13th July 2024

Another new portfolio for you all today, this time by one of our favourite artists, Marcel Vertès. It’s his spare 1954 drawings to accompany Paul Verlaine’s late poetry sequence Parallèlement. What a way Vertès had with his pencil! See them all now by clicking here.

The search for beauty

11th July 2024

What a pleasure it is to bring you a new portfolio by the wonderful Kees van Dongen, his colourful 1955 illustrations for Voltaire's oriental romp The Princess of Babylon. Enjoy them all now by clicking here.

Quality graffiti

18th June 2024

Miss Van is probably the best-known street artist working today, her dreamy women with their animal masks, pastel colours, and revealing clothing seen regularly in exhibitions as well as painted on walls throughout Europe and America. See her work now by clicking here.

Shades of impropriety

13th June 2024

A new portfolio today from the master of etching Alméry Lobel-Riche, his 1945 illustrations for the Pierre Louÿs story collection Sanguines, stories predominantly concerned with sexual violence, or the threat of it. See the portfolio now by clicking here.

For adults only

9th June 2024

Today we have pleasure in bringing you the erotic work of Argentina’s best known cartoonist, Horacio Altuna. Talented, prolific, imaginative, see a great selection of his witty and provocative work for Playboy now by clicking here.


Imagined encounters

6th June 2024

It’s always a pleasure to add a new portfolio from that master of art deco George Barbier, and today we bring you his wonderful illustrations for a 1929 edition of Marcel Schwob’s Imaginary Lives. Princesses, poets, pirates and more, see them all by clicking here.

Everything everywhere

29th May 2024

How much sex is it possible to include in one drawing? Today’s new portfolio from the early 1940s, Group Love, does its level best! From the courtroom to the dental surgery, there’s nowhere off-limits to the rampant phallus. See everything now by clicking here.

Alternative mythologies

25th May 2024

Classical, transgressive, often controversial – this is today’s new artist, Lisbon-based Barahona Possollo. His almost photo-realistic canvases explore our understanding of what we mean by ‘art’ and what we think is ‘acceptable’ – see his work now by clicking here.

Fit for a queen

23rd May 2024

Chéri Hérouard is best known for his spanking illustrations, but he was also a talented colourist for more conventional erotic classics. Today we bring you all 64 plates from the Queen of Navarre’s renaissance epic the Heptameron – see them now by clicking here.