Here we have a comprehensive collection of Jac-Zap montages, arranged in chronological order from 2014 to the end of 2019. For later images the Flickr albums, which you will find here, continue the artist’s development; the more recent images have moved somewhat from the sexual to the existential, concentrating on the imagery of mortality and death.
Not that mortality and death are in any way absent from the work shown here – skulls and fossilised phalluses share the frame with disembodied breasts and vulvas in ways that cannot but impress on the viewer the biological reality of physical embodiment. Catholicism is also everywhere, as is only to be expected of a French artist steeped in the symbolism of that religion, while references to specific artists including Henri Matisse and Marcel Duchamp add to the witty mix.
The titles of the images shown here are:
La devotion: l’ange araignée (Devotion: The Spider Angel)
La nouvelle Olympia (The New Olympia)
La relique fossilisée (The Fossilized Relic)
Mémento mori II (Memento mori II)
Ouroboros (Ouroboros)
Vanité culottée (Vanity with Underwear)
Vanité déculottée (Vanity without Underwear)
Le reliquaire (The Reliquary)
Les liquides (The Liquids)
L’oeil d’Abel regarde Cain (Abel’s Eye Regards Cain)
Sainte Thérèse (Saint Theresa)
Mémento mori I (Mémento mori I)
Enfer à louer avec date de péremption (Hell for Rent with an Expiration Date)
Eva: le soleil noir (Eva: The Black Sun)
Le héros foudroyé par un rêve phallique (The Hero Struck Down by a Phallic Dream)
Nature morte aux fruits: Diptyque droit (Still Life with Fruits: Right Diptych)
Nature morte aux fruits: Diptyque gauche (Still Life with Fruits: Left Diptych)
Sainte Marie, douce chaîne de l’amour (Holy Mary, Sweet Bond of Love)
La chute des corps (Falling Bodies)
La fusion (Fusion)
Transfiguration de l’ange (Transfiguration of the Angel)
Adam et Eve chassés du copulatoire (Adam and Eve Expelled from the Copulatory)
Autopsie (Autopsy)
Érection de la raison (Erection of Reason)
L’Ange Èrogéne: hommage à Amanda Lepore (The Erogenous Angel:
Tribute to Amanda Lepore)
Machine de précision pour l’examen de conscience, le baromètre spirituel
(Precision Machine for Self-examination, Spiritual Barometer)
Mordre la vie à pleine dents (Take a Bite out of Life)
Nature morte: la voie du coeur (Still life: The Way of the Heart)
Reliquaire de la Famille M— (Reliquary of the Family M—)
St Sébastien l’élèvation (The Elevation of St Sebastian)
St Sébastien secouru par Ste Iréne (St Sebastian Rescued by St Irene)
Eros (Eros)
L’art de gouverner est d’acquérir un pouvoir absolu sur le corps
(The Art of Governance is to Acquire Absolute Power over the Body)
Le dernier Ready Made avec la mariée mise à nue
(The Last Ready Made with the Naked Bride)
Les nus de Matisse sont aussi érotiques que les poupées
(Matisse’s Nudes are as Erotic as Dolls)
L’extase de Sainte Thérèse dans l’urinoir de M. Duchamp
(The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa in M. Duchamp’s urinal)