This cheaply-produced paperback volume is little more than an excuse to present a selection of rather crude, though reasonably drawn, penetration scenes. A selection of explicit text from the Indian classic the Kama Sutra is included, yet the whole production amounts to just 72 pages. The illustrator’s name is given as G. Rolland, and as the imprint page states ‘Achevé d’imprimer sur les Presses Spéciales de G. Rolland’ we assume that Monsieur Rolland was artist, editor and publisher. The edition was reissued in 1975 in an offset reprint which did even less justice to the drawings.

It has been stated in some descriptions of this book that ‘G. Rolland’ is actually the Russian–French artist Génia Minache (1907–72), but this is confusing the Rolland version with a 1960 Minache-illustrated edition of Kama Sûtra. Her paintings, which you can see here, are much more accomplished and stylish than these.