Though the lively illustrations in this little book, unsigned, are clearly by Reschofsky, as far as we know they are his only foray into erotic imagery. Which is a pity, since his stylish graphic wit is on a par with more well-known proponents of erotic art such as Vertès and Rojan.

Le roman de godemichet, épopée libertine et vécue composée par un descendant d’Hermes ami des muses émule de Priape (The Book of the Dildo, a libertine and lively epic composed by a descendant of Hermes, friend of the muses, emulator of Priapus) is a slim soft-cover volume of just 120 pages. The poems, by an unknown author (though some detect the hand of Pierre Mac Orlan, 1882–1970), are a paean of praise to the dildo and its pleasurable, restorative powers, with titles like ‘Invocation à la muse’, ‘Petite paranthèse’ and ‘Chez le docteur’.

The artist is acknowledged as a ‘maitre du genre’ (master of the genre), which makes it all the sadder that his inventiveness in that genre does not appear elsewhere. The two-tone illustrations celebrate sexual freedom in a way that few other portfolios of the time succeed in.

Le roman de godemichet was published ‘pour les amis de l’auteur’ (for the friends of the author) in a limited numbered edition of 220 copies.