Im Garten der Liebe (In the Garden of Love) was te first of two small portfolios of erotic etchings produced by Grosspietsch ‘nur für meine Freunde’ (just for my friends). Very much in the same style and with similar themes to work by other Neue Sachlichkeit artists such as Otto Rudolf Schatz, Rudolf Schlichter, Heinrich Hoerle and Georg Scholz, the eight etchings depict sexual themes within the context of power relationships and regeneration – women as the wellspring of life are a common subject.
The titles of the engravings are:
Wagen der Befriedigung (Daring to be Satisfied)
Triumpf (Triumph)
Süße Last (Sweet Burden)
Verklungenes Lied (Faded Song)
Brunnen (Wellsping)
Erwacht (Awakening)
Bewunderung (Admiration)
Die Quelle (The Source)
We are very grateful to Hans-Jürgen Döpp for these images; Hans-Jürgen, the compiler of many books on erotic art, curates the Venusberg online gallery and bookshop which you can find here.