O la la!

1st October 2023

Classics like Maupassant’s Bel Ami and Proust’s Un Amour de Swann as explicit erotic comics? Why not? That’s today’s new artist, Guillaume Berteloot, and you can see four of his complete stories by clicking here. It helps if you can read French, mais pas obligatoire!

The naughty bougre

28th September 2023

Back to the eighteenth century today, with two pioneering sets of erotic prints from the infamous banned novel Histoire de Dom B…, the monk who wanted everything and anything carnal. Both complete portfolios, from 1740 and 1748, can be seen now by clicking here.

Renaissance revisited

27th September 2023

Like the old masters today’s new artist Joanna Chrobak admires, the women in her paintings are thin, with small breasts and rounded bellies. Half-naked beauties, unicorns, exotic birds, fish and fruit, see them all now by clicking here.

Serpieri Xtreme

24th September 2023

Today we bring you the second instalment of Paolo Serpieri, a new collection of more than a hundred explicitly sexual images from the volume appropriately titled XXX. Is this mostly consensual, pleasurable fantasy, or does it too often cross the border into rape imagery? See it all now by clicking here.

Classic Druuna

23rd September 2023

A treat for all Paolo Serpieri Druuna fans today – more than a hundred new works culled from his previously unpublished material featuring his curvaceous Latin heroine and her friends. For some just too much, for others not enough! See them all now by clicking here.

Issues of consent

22nd September 2023

We recently added the Australian artist Norman Lindsay’s illustrations for The Cautious Amorist, and today complement them with his 1938 drawings for Age of Consent, about the complex relationship between a 40-year-old artist and his 17-year-old model. See them all now by clicking here.

Any time is the right time …

21st September 2023

Today we have pleasure in bringing you the earliest erotic portfolio yet to be added to the website, the sweet hand-coloured 1773 L’Année Galante. This month-by-month account of lovemaking reminds us that any season is the right time for hands-on intimacy – see all twelve images by clicking here.


11th September 2023

The concept of ‘the erotic’ in art is sometimes hard to delineate; Richard Wallace’s paintings are almost never explicitly sexual, but what is nearly hidden can often be more sensually stimulating that that which is in full view. See his work now by clicking here.

French frolics

8th September 2023

With grateful thanks to one of our American contributors, we bring you all twenty of Claude Bornet’s very explicit 1803 engravings for Andrea Nerciat’s Devil in the Flesh – click here to see them. Yes, there was a great deal of sexual experimentation two centuries ago!

Hidden gay worlds

7th September 2023

It was lonely being a poor, self-taught gay artist in America in the 1970s and 80s, but Patrick Angus succeeded in portraying the real world of demimonde New York in the era of AIDS. See his sympathetic, often touchingly witty, work now by clicking here.