What’s new
Male magnificence!
2nd April 2021
It isn’t often that a woman chooses to concentrate on drawing naked men, even rarer for her to emphasise the bits that appear to interest her the most, their wondrous cocks and balls. So here are Patricia Boulay’s brightly-coloured works. Enjoy!

Rewriting history
31st March 2021
So it was Eve that had all the fun! Poor Adam. Today’s new artist, Leo Impekoven, was a brilliant designer and had a fertile imagination – see his version of the creation story here, and understand why patriarchy is doomed!

All About Love?
30th March 2021
We’ve just added all the missing images to the 1925 ‘Eugène Reunier’ (Carl Breuer-Courth) portfolio, Autour de l’amour (All About Love), so it’s now complete – see them all here. Have fun!

The arbitrariness of pornography laws
29th March 2021
The maverick Austrian artist and sculptor Alfred Hrdlicka was preoccupied with history, politics and personal freedom, and his 1973 Wiener Blut portfolio makes it clear what he thought of the Austrian pornography laws! See it here now.

The battle between lust and ‘polite society’
27th March 2021
Today’s new artist is the Austrian Alwine Hotter, who during her long life produced many sensitive portraits and a telling cycle of linocuts depicting the sordid underside of polite Austrian society. See her bold work here.

Poverty and necessity in 1920s Berlin
23rd March 2021
Heinrich Zille’s 1921 Hurengespräche (Whore Talk) is a classic of working-class urban poverty, complete with his trademark sketches of working women and their clients. Sadly unavailable in English, you can still see his telling images here.

An imaginative 1920s German phallic homage
22nd March 2021
Friedrich Wilhelm Kleukens was one of the leading lights of the German secession style between 1900 and 1918, mirroring in Germany the aims and aspirations of the British Arts and Crafts Movement. He only made one erotic portfolio, which you can see here.

The artist’s response to their ‘real world’
18th March 2021
Marcos Carrasquer is an artist who will make you think, look again, question – exactly what an artist should do! See his work, including his disturbing illustrations for Bataille’s The Story of the Eye, here.

More of Roland Topor’s wicked wit
17th March 2021
New today, Roland Topor’s L’amour à voix haute (Love at Full Volume) is an interesting anthology on two counts, both for his distinctive artwork and for he extended poem, a compilation of all the things that he has experienced lovers saying in bed: you can see the whole portfolio here.

Where to put Cupid’s arrow
16th March 2021
Powerfully spiritual or scarily Aryan? Today’s new artist is the German Carl Schwalbach, with his larger-than-life Amazons. See his work here and ponder …