Client shaming

3rd December 2021

The witty and wonderful contemporary Russian artist Eugene Drabkin is today’s new offering for you all. See his shameless Poems about Sluts and daring Cheats and Cribs now by clicking here. If you don’t smile there must be something seriously wrong with you …

Keeping the freedom flag flying

29th November 2021

A really important new artist for you today, the original and imaginative Russian artist Valentin Yustitsky, who in 1937 was transported to the Gulag by the Soviets for his liberal ideas. But what joy and freedom in his drawings, which you can see now by clicking here.

Caroline Coon, the great offender

28th November 2021

It wasn’t until she was 73 that Caroline Coon was given her first solo exhibition – its title, ‘The Great Offender’, explaining why this iconoclastic artist is less well known than she deserves to be. Now we can share an inspiring selection of her work here.

Wild sex

27th November 2021

We’ve just added Tavy Notton’s powerful illustrations for Rimbaud’s explicit sonnet cycle Les Stupra, so now we have all three of Notton’s erotic commissions it’s a good time to reacquaint yourself with his amazing etchings. See them all now at by clicking here.

Persian pleasures

26th November 2021

‘A jug of wine, a loaf of bread – and thou’ – the best-known line from The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, lovingly and erotically illustrated in 1920s flapper style by today’s new artist, Ronald Balfour. Read about him and his work here, and enjoy that wine!

No greater love hath any woman

25th November 2021

With great thanks to a specialist bookshop friend, we are at last able to offer you all the complete series from Mariette Lydis’s groundbreaking lesbian-themed portfolio Sappho from 1933. Tender, sensual, accomplished – see them now by clicking here.

Why should not young men be gay?

24th November 2021

Gay fantasies don’t come much gayer than those of Ed Cervone, ‘Ed of Manhattan’, who during the 1980s and 90s produced dozens of drawings and paintings featuring young men with six-pack chests, tight buttocks, and mightily swelling cocks. See them now by clicking here.

Doomed lovers

23rd November 2021

Possibly the most stylish illustrations ever to accompany Baudelaire’s famous Les Fleurs du Mal (The Flowers of Evil), Émile Bracquemond’s powerful 1946 woodcuts for the lesbian-themed poem Femmes Damnées (Accursed Women) are now on our website here. Enjoy.

Memoirs of a woman of pleasure

22nd November 2021

Possibly the best-known work of erotic fiction, John Cleland’s Fanny Hill, was first published in London in 1748. Today’s new artist, Sophie Busson, was commissioned to create a new set of illustrations for a 1980 French edition; you can see them now by clicking here.

Smitten by song

21st November 2021

A new portfolio today from one of your favourite illustrators, Berthomme Saint-André – his 1933 prints for the erotic memoires of a German opera singer, based on the legendary Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient who seduced Beethoven and Wagner. See it now by clicking here.